Science with Moxie on Youtube!

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Science with Moxie comes to YouTube
Science with Moxie comes to YouTube.


I’ve decided to convert my old blog, Science with Moxie, into a video series on Youtube. I’m going to be posting every month on science, culture, neuroscience, social issues, policy, art, music, and everything in between. My goal is to keep these videos personable, fun and engaging, so please let me know if there’s anything you want to see me talk about.

Check out my channel and subscribe to it to stay tuned!

Society for Neuroscience in Chicago!

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Chicago view by water

I haven’t been to this conference since 2013 in San Diego, where I had a lovely time. I’m lucky that this year it’s in my new and old home base of Chicago, because as a freelancer just starting out, I don’t exactly have a lot of extra money to travel.

I’m very psyched to get to meet with neuro-friends from the past, present, and future.